In 2020, Rocketry managed to face the sudden changes and achieve its goals. Its members worked on giving the best results and they continue with even more energy and new data to develop and improve.
The past year, a great achievement for the Project was the construction of Hyperion, which is our first project, as well as the completion of the design of Pegasus, our team’s second project. Also, we began working on the R&D projects SIRIUS, Tailcone and Airbrakes, putting this way the team dynamically in the field of research and development. The consolidation of a Safety Sub-team was an important step, showing once again the importance of this topic for Rocketry.

A big success for our team was the import of solid propellant and COTS motor in Greece, making A.S.A.T. the first team that has ever done something like this in our country. Furthermore, our Project started working with Mr. Rene Van Hulst who is able to mentor us with his help and experience on the field.

Last but not least, our team was accepted to participate in the Spaceport America Cup (SAC) 2021, in New Mexico, U.S.A., the largest intercollegiate rocketry competition in the world, making this the greatest success of Rocketry for 2020. More than 140 teams from all over the world will participate in the competition, with our team being among the 18 European ones! This competition is a once in a lifetime experience worth living and our team is determined and ready to overcome any obstacle in the way.
Thus, we have started working on the project SELENE! A.S.A.T. is going to compete in the 10.000ft with COTS Solid Rocket Motor with SELENE, a new and innovative project from our team. Its major key-points are the live data telemetry, CO2 ejection system and the fully operational and deployable Payload, aiming to conduct an experiment containing measurement of radioactivity. Lastly, the model will have new and innovative design features, making a fully updated and remarkable design based on our experience manufacturing Hyperion.

Two equally important goals are the manufacturing and testing of SIRIUS, a Solid Rocket Motor with total impulse of 9500Ns, as well as the manufacturing and testing of Airbrakes. SIRIUS is currently in progress, as we aim at designing the team’s largest solid motor with a much better mass optimization and material selection. In the meanwhile, Airbrakes is a brand-new chapter for our team, introducing Reaction Control Systems (RCS) to our team. Finally, we want in 2021 to manage to launch Hyperion in Greece.
For one more year, Rocketry wants to keep working on innovative projects. At the same time, we always stay focused on our main mission of giving the opportunity to students to gain knowledge around the field of rocketry!