On Friday, October 11, our team met with the Vice-Rector of Research and Lifelong Learning, Efstratios Stilianidis. The conversation that followed focused on the development of the “ΑcubeSAT” project. The Vice-Rector approved the proposal’s submission for participating in the ESA’s “Fly Your Satellite!” program, representing the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The proposal was therefore sent to the European Space Agency (ESA).
CubeSat Project by A.S.A.T.
The project deals with the research, design and construction of a 3U Cubesat 34x10x10cm containing a biological experiment that studies the gene expression in eukaryotic cells in the space environment. 38 students from various departments of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and other institutions are involved in the design and construction of “AcubeSat”. The members of this project mainly consist of departments such as Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Informatics, Medicine, Biology and Chemical Engineering, contributing together with their knowledge to the successful planning of the mission of the nanosatellite.

On Wednesday, November 6, we received the results from “Fly Your Satellite!” competition and the news were pleasant. In Phase 2, members will attend from December 9 to 13, 2019 the ESTEC in the Netherlands, where they will present our nanosatellite. There, our team will have to provide answers to questions made by the organizers and defend their construction’s design. During this phase, AcubeSAT members will have the chance to attend lectures and workshops organized by the program.
Of particular importance is the contribution of the partners-companies that supported our effort, such as RGCC, SITAEL HELLAS, Prisma Electronics S.A., BETA CAE Systems, B&T Composites, Hellagrolip, Woodtech, Metalonica, Technometal, Radian Systems, Solidworks, FIBRANL, AUTh laboratories, as well as professors Kyros Yakinthos, and Alkis Chatzopoulos.
A.S.A.T.'s Blog
Stay tuned to our website in order to be informed about the competition's progress. The students who are traveling to The Netherlands, will provide us with a detailed, feed about the competition's on goings.