The non-profit organization Greek NewSpace Society, faithful to its last years’ appointment, brings the largest hackathon in the world, the NASA Space Apps Challenge, which is part of the NASA International Space Competition. The hackathlon will be held once again in Piraeus and Thessaloniki.
It is an international technology marathon, where the participants (students, scientists, designers, doctors, artists, engineers, architects, etc.), after forming their teams, are invited to choose one of the challenges set by NASA, using its scientific data and, within two days, provide an innovative solution to space technology problems! The competition is held simultaneously in more than 320 locations around the world.
Over the last 11 years, over 165,000 participants from all over the world, regardless of age or academic level, sharing their love for space, curiosity and imagination as a common denominator, join forces to create, discover, learn and have fun. With this year’s motto being “Make Space”, NASA wants to remind us that there is always space for everyone, where the best solutions can be provided, even in more challenging problems, with the help of cooperation, the exchange of opinions and the necessary material.
On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October, 2022, the participants in Piraeus and Thessaloniki will have the opportunity to collaborate with their teams and create innovative and unique solutions to modern space technology problems. At the same time, in the same venue, speeches and seminars will be held by experts in the field, as well as by student associations, which are the protagonists in the international events of space technology.
This year’s hackathon NASA Space Apps Challenge in Thessaloniki & Piraeus (Sponsored by Accenture, Deloitte. & Coral SA) will take place on October 1st and 2nd hybrid. Don’t forget to register in time, either on your own or with your team, for the competitions in the live event in Thessaloniki or in the online event in Piraeus, in the following links:
Do you want to experience a unique space technology problem solving experience?
Would you like to meet people with the same passion as you?
Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or clarification!
We are waiting for you!
Submit your application now!

Links NASA Space Apps Challenge Thessaloniki & Piraeus:
Instagram | Facebook Thessaloniki | Facebook Piraeus
Links Greek NewSpace Society: