
ASAT’s Marketing Department was created with the aim of properly promoting the vision of the team and the accomplishments of the two technical departments to the general public. In order to do so, a distinctive, attractive brand image for ASAT has been created and is used with consistency every time something related to the team is presented to the world. 
The main qualities we want ASAT’s brand to be associated with are the following three:
  • Quality
  • Efficiency
  • Consistency

This means that all types of content and activities by the Marketing Department abide by some guidelines and have as the main goal to inform the audience about the team’s actions in an authentic way.
Crucial for achieving this goal and fostering the development of the entire team, are the five subsystems, of which the Marketing Department comprises. The Public Relations & Fundraising subsystem is responsible for ASAT’s contacts with companies and press representatives, helping the team collect the necessary funding for the completion of its projects and promote them via articles, interviews etc. On the other hand, the team’s online presence depends highly on two subsystems: Social Media and Web Design. The Social Media subsystem manages how ASAT’s news is presented to the world, while the Web Design subsystem is in charge of keeping the team’s website updated and often enriching it with new features. Of course, none of the aforementioned would be possible, if it weren’t for the Graphic Design and Photography & Videography subsystems, which create all the visual content of ASAT, whether it is related to actual footage of our work or graphic designs related to it.
The collaboration of the aforementioned subsystems in a flexible environment, where the exchange of ideas and suggestions is always present, is the reason why the Marketing Department manages to operate properly and accomplish its mission.

Available positions

marketing members

Eleftheria Galara

PR-FR member

School of primary education

Anastasia Xatzikyriakidou

Social Media member

Journalism and Mass Communications

Dimitris Glinos

Social Media Member

Journalism and Mass Communications

Manolis Minoudis

PR-FR Member

Mechanical Engineering

Lefteris Karampasis

PR-FR Member

Mechanical Engineering

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